Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Cheat E&A "Cara membuat Pasukan secara Gratis"


Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Kata Kata Cinta

di matamu aku bukan siapa2,
bukan teman, sahabat, bahkan saudara
melainkan orang asing.
namun biarlah orang asing ini singgah sejenak dalam
istana cintamu walau hanya sedetik.
dia akan pamit bila kau mau n kan tinggal bila kau ijinkan

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

-Wallhack,1 hIt,hollow,Damage,invicible,magnet,++ddl

Cara Membuat Teks Area

Text area, what is that?. Untuk tau apa dan bagaimana text area itu, silahkan alihkan perhatian anda ke kolom sebelah kanan layar, di bawah tulisan link barter, ada sebuah kotak yang di dalamnya berisi text kode-kode HTML, itulah yang di sebut text area. Nah dengan melihat contoh tadi, maka dapat kita katakan bahwa Text area adalah area atau tempat untuk menyimpan text atau tulisan dengan membentuk area baru. Biasanya text area ini di gunakan untuk menyimpan kode-kode HTML ataupun text lainnya agar bisa di copy oleh para pengunjung.

Cara Membuat Menu Tab View

Sobat blogger pastinya sudah tau yang dinamakan tabview, banyak sekali web page dan blog yang sudah menggunakan tabview/ tabmenu dalam blognya. Fungsi utamanya adalah untuk menghemat space yang ada di halaman web kita, dan membuat blog/web lebih terlihat rapi.
Tab view itu contohnya seperti ini, seperti yang saya gunakan pada blog saya :

Cara Membuat Search Engine

Search Engine atau Mesin Pencari adalah sebuah terobosan Canggih di dunia Internet.
Saat ini Search Engine tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam dunia internet. Dengan Search Engine kita bisa mencari tahu tentang suatu hal yang kita inginkan sesuai dengan keyword yang kita ketikkan., yang akan dikupas disini adalah bagaimana caranya membuat/pasang search engine di blogger . Caranya sangat mudah, yaitu:

I LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE - 9a SMPN 14 Pontianak

Ini dia , Video Lypsinc dari siswa - siswa Kelas 9a SMPN 14 Pontianak , Indonesia.
Waktu itu kami berpikir , mau menjadi Terkenal dengan membuat Video itu , Seperti Briptu Norman Kamaru .,xD . Ternyata yang melihat cuman 30+ , tidak apakalah , video itu cuman buat menghilangkan stres saja ,xD
Dan Menjadi Kenang-Kenangan Buat Perpisahan.

Yang Mau Liat Video nya ini ..

Step Up Revolution

Tak disangka bahwa STEP UP yang pertama kali rilis tahun 2006 bisa menjadi proyek waralaba menjanjikan. Film dengan unsur dance yang sangat kental itu bahkan melambungkan nama aktor tampan Channing Tatum.
Kini 6 tahun telah berlalu sejak film yang disutradarai oleh Anne Fletcher itu beredar. Franchise tari yang berseting di Maryland School of Arts ini sudah memasuki sekuel ketiga.
Film bertajuk STEP UP REVOLUTION tersebut akan dirilis pada 27 Juli 2012. Memasang bintang-bintang baru seperti Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman dan Stephen Boss.
Berkisah tentang Emily yang merupakan anak pengusaha kaya. Saat datang ke Miami untuk menjadi penari profesional, Emily malah jatuh cinta dengan seorang pria bernama Sean.
Kemarin pihak Summit Entertainment merilis trailer resmi dan poster film STEP UP REVOLUTION. Dari trailer itu terlihat bahwa seri keempat benar-benar menjanjikan banyak hal untuk sajian tari yang sempurna. Pecinta STEP UP saga pasti tak sabar untuk segera melihatnya.

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Biodata L (Ryuzaki)


Manga Debut
Anime Debut
Live Action Films
Video Games
In Other Media
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (episode 6)
Jump Super Stars
Jump Ultimate Stars
Personal Info.
True Name
L Lawliet (エル・ローライト, Eru Rōraito)
Also Known As
L (エル, Eru)
Hideki Ryūga (流河 旱樹, Ryūga Hideki)
Ryūzaki (竜崎, Ryūzaki)
Eraldo Coil (エラルド=コイル,Erarudo Koiru)
Deneuve (ドヌーヴ, Donūvu)
Suzuki (スズキ, Suzuki)
Blood Type
Date of Birth
October 31, 1979 (1982 in anime)
Date of Death
November 5, 2004 (2007 in anime)
5'8" (estimated)
110 lbs (estimated)
8/10 (manga)
9/10 (anime and film)
Emotional Strength
Social Skills
Other Attribute
Sweet Tooth: 10/10
声優 (Seiyū; Japanese)
Kappei Yamaguchi (山口勝平,Yamaguchi Kappei)
Voice Actor (English)
성우 (Sung-woo; Korean)
Sang hyeon Eom (엄상현,Eom Sang hyeon)
Actor de Doblaje (Spanish)
Roger Pera (Barcelona, Spain dub)
Hugo Nuñez (Latin America version)
Dublador (Portugese)
Sérgio Cantú
Doppiatore (Italian)
Stefano Crescentini
Doubleur (French)
Guillaume Lebon
Synchronsprecher (German)
Szinkronhangja (Hungarian)
Viczián Ottó
Live Action Films actor
Kenichi Matsuyama (松山ケンイチ, Matsuyama Kenichi)

L (エル, Eru ), widely known only by the letter L, is a world renowned detective that takes on the challenge of catching the serial killer known only as Kira In his investigation. L becomes highly suspicous of Light Yagami, and makes it his goal to prove that Light is Kira.



Appearance Edit

L is a very slim, tall young man with black hair and dark eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of sleep deprivation. L is always shown to be wearing blue jean pants and a long-sleeved, white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot while even in public. This was shown when he visited Light Yagami's school and was seen barefoot while sitting on a bench, not bothering to wear his shoes until he got up to walk.


The "L" that L uses to represent himself.
DreamandersonAdded by Dreamanderson
L is quite secretive, and only communicates with the world through his assistant,Watari. He never shows his face to the world as L, instead representing himself with a capital letter L drawn in "Old English MT" or "Cloister Black" typeface.
After meeting the Japanese Task Force, he requests that the task force refer to him as "Ryuuzaki" as an additional safety measure. The Task Force never learns his true name.
L is very intelligent, though his disheveled and languid appearance masks his great powers of deduction and many question his abilities upon viewing him. L tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He is good at deceiving his opponents, and is willing to take drastic measures to solve a case. Some of his tactics are quite bold, such as having a death row inmate pose as himself on live TV in order to draw out Kira, while others seem bizarre to those involved, such as handcuffing himself to suspected-Kira, Light Yagami. He is also shown to have a dry sense of humor, and isn't above making sarcastic remarks to people. Although he tends to be polite, to some (such as Task Force member Shuichi Aizawa), L can seem quite rude and uncaring at times.
Using subterfuge, misinformation, disinformation and an analytical knowledge of human nature to help lure a suspected murderer into a false sense of security and possibly make him carelessly over-confident, whenever L gives percentages to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a crime, such as "five percent" he may in fact be over ninety percent convinced of their culpability. Although L tells Light that he is among the least likely suspects with one of the lowest percentages of probability, in reality L is "pretty certain" that Light is Kira. As series writer Tsugumi Ohba said laughing, making light of L's tactics: "The truth is, he's a liar."

L's preferred posture
KumoriAdded by Kumori

He also has several quirks, such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods (like desserts, candies and fruits) and holding items by using only a thumb and a finger. He is often seen arranging objects and very intently stacking, or in other ways playing with, his staple food items. L is almost always encountered while performing actions that are considered inappropriate or rude in public. These actions/habits include biting fingernails, placing feet on furniture, slouching, chewing with an open mouth, talking with his mouth full, calling out personal observations that may offend others, etc.

L thinking in a meditation pose.jpg
MarleneZ.Added by MarleneZ.
Although he is often seen sitting and inactive, L retains a high athletic ability. L stayed in England for five years, and during that time he was the tennis champion in the England Junior Cup. He also has a knack for martial arts, which is demonstrated in his brief fight with Light. In chapter 38 of the manga, L suggests that even though he eats only 
L kicks Light.
MarleneZ.Added by MarleneZ.
sweet foods, he remains underweight because the brain uses the most calories of any organ in the body. He also says that if he sits normally, his reasoning ability would drop 40%. Interestingly in the manga, he is seen sitting on the floor in a pose similar to how one would meditate, while thinking deeply about the Kira case.
When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that". Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it". He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil".




" Selagi kau bisa merasakan kebahagian , senyum , itulah dimana kau merasa sempurna . tidak lupa juga ditemani dengan Ibadah dan Senyuman " - Zikry Maoelana

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